About the LLQP Exam
Confidentiality Undertaking
Exam Format
Pilot Questions
E-Book/Reference Material
Course Providers
Provincial Regulators
Contact Us
Prerequisites - CIPR Certification
Exam Schedules/Locations
Exam Registration
Eligibility Error Messages
Accommodation Requests
Refund Policy
Email Issues
Online Exams - Registration process
ProctorU Information
Computer-Based Exam
Wait Lists
Required Identification
Late policy
Being prepared to write
Examinee Conduct
Online Exam - Examinee Conduct Rules
In Person Exam - Examinee Conduct Rules
Consequences of Cheating
Scoring the Exam
Exam Marking
Remarking an Exam
Rewrite Policy
Applying to Other Provinces
About the LLQP Exam
The Life Licence Qualification Program (LLQP) was created to ensure a minimum standard of competence and understanding amongst Canadian life insurance agents. Additional information about the LLQP may be found through the Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations (CISRO) http://www.cisro-ocra.com/
Durham College administers the PROVINCIAL LLQP exam for various provincial/territorial regulators. The exam questions, content, and rules are all supplied by the provincial regulators.
There are 2 types of licences under the LLQP program:
- Accident & Sickness
- Full Life
To obtain a licence, the following must occur:
- Successfully complete an LLQP course from a certified course provider and hold a valid CIPR number.
- Pass the provincial LLQP exam.
- Obtain a sponsoring insurance company
- Be accepted by the provincial regulator after applying for your licence.
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Confidentiality Undertaking
As part of the registration process, all candidates will be required to accept a confidentiality undertaking.
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Exam Format
The provincial LLQP exam is a multiple-choice exam. Each exam module will contain a number of questions with four (4) answers per question. In all cases, only one answer is correct. The required score to pass a module is 60%.
The exams are offered in both paper and online formats; the content of the exams is the same. Before choosing an online exam, please be sure that you are comfortable with using a computer and that your device meets the technical requirements.
Examinees are not permitted to leave their workspace once the exam begins (this includes washroom breaks).
Examinees for a Life Insurance agent licence must write the following modules:
- Life insurance
- Accident and sickness insurance
- Segregated funds and annuities
- Ethics and professional practice *
Examinees for an Accident and Sickness insurance agent licence must write the following modules:
- Accident and sickness insurance
- Ethics and professional practice*
*Examinees must write the “Ethics and professional practice” module(s) required in the jurisdiction(s) in which they are seeking a licence.
Ethics and professional practice (within the context of common law, for licensing in all provinces and territories except Quebec)
Ethics and professional practice (within the context of civil law, for licensing in Quebec)
Exam Questions & Times:
No. of Questions
Life insurance
75 minutes
Accident and sickness insurance
75 minutes
Segregated funds and annuities
75 minutes
Ethics and professional practice (common law)
75 minutes
Ethics and professional practice (civil law)
75 minutes
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Pilot Questions
From September 2018, as part of the efforts of the Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations (CISRO) to constantly improve the quality of the LLQP exams and licensing procedures, an updated mandatory pilot testing approach was implemented in all jurisdictions.
- 5 pilot questions are included in each exam.
- Pilot questions are excluded from examinees’ final score.
- Pilot questions will be managed to avoid impact on examinee performance.
Examinees can provide any comments or concerns regarding the exam and/or pilot questions on the comments page included at the end of the exam. Please Note: Proctors should not be solicited to provide explanations or justifications for the inclusion of pilot questions.
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E-Book/Reference Material
For in person exams, all candidates will be supplied an e-Book (tablet) containing approved reference material. These e-Books will be provided to each candidate during the sign-in process on exam day. No manuals or notes are permitted at the desks during the exam. Only the test centre supplied tablets will be permitted in the exam room.
The test centre proctors are not permitted to answer questions pertaining to the content of the e-Books. E-Books must be returned to the test centre proctors immediately following the submission of an exam module.
Tablet User Guide for Candidates (PDF)
Tablet User Guide for Candidates (Youtube video)
For online test takers, the PDF version of the approved reference material will be provided and available for you to open during your exam session.
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The LLQP exam fees are as follows:
Paper Exam
Online Exam
New Brunswick
All Other Provinces
Exam fees are payable with each registration request.
Fees are current as of August 2024 and subject to change.
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Course Providers
Durham College does not offer any courses for the LLQP. We administer the provincial exam only. Examinees must select a course provider on their own as we are not permitted to recommend or provide information on the pass rates of specific course providers.
The following is a list of the current (as of November 2023) LLQP course providers:
- Advocis/Foran
- Advocis Learning Centre
- Business Career College (BCC)
- Beneva
- Canadian Securities Institute (CSI)
- Collège des professions financières
- Collège O’Sullivan De Québec
- iA Groupe Financie
- IFSE Institute / IFIC
- Learnedly Canada Inc.
- Oliver's Learning
- Oliver’s WFG
- Primerica
- Real Estate and Mortgage Institute of Canada (REMIC)
- SeeWhy Learning
Pass rates by course provider are posted on the CISRO website.
See List of CISRO approved National Course Providers here:
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Application for a licence with the provincial/territorial regulator must occur within one year of the date of passing the first module of the exam. Your "First Pass Date" is found within your results email. This is the start of your eligibility period for licensing. If you have not applied for a licence pertaining to modules attempted within the one-year period, your exam results for all modules will no longer be considered valid and you will need to rewrite all the modules of the exam. A status of “TBD” indicates that you have not yet passed your first module.
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Provincial Regulators
A listing of the regulators for each Province & Territory can be found at the following link: https://www.cisro-ocra.com/ListofCISROmembers
Ontario: FSRA, Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario 1.800.668.0128 or 416.250.7250 or by email (contactcentre@fsrao.ca )
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Contact Us
The LLQP ADMIN team are available from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday - Friday (EST) and can be contacted by:
When leaving a voicemail, examinees must leave their full name, CIPR number, phone number (including area code) and the reason for the call.
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Prerequisites - CIPR Certification
It is the responsibility of the examinee to ensure that their appropriate certification is uploaded correctly in the Canadian Insurance Participant Registry (CIPR). Failing to do so will result in not being able to register for an exam. For information on how to access the Canadian Insurance Participant Registry, please contact your course provider.
Any examinee attempting the exam online from Newfoundland and Labrador, must go directly to their provincial/territorial regulator PRIOR to registering for an online proctored exam. Please Note: this is NOT your course provider. The provincial/territorial regulator will send examinee eligibility information directly to LLQP ADMIN and inform the examinee of their next steps.
Province Seeking Licence: As part of the registration process examinees must select the province they intend to seek licence in – THIS MUST BE THEIR PROVINCE/TERRITORY OF RESIDENCE. Examinees will be provided an Official Mark Letter on completion of their exams that they can use when applying for licensing in other provinces/territories.
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Exam Schedules/Locations
Exams are scheduled on various dates, times and locations. You may schedule all of your exams on one day (up to a maximum of 4 modules per day), or you can choose to write over different days and/or testing centres.
Upcoming sessions can be viewed on the "Schedule" pages of this website for both In Person and Online exams. Any session showing as "OPEN" on the website is currently available for registrations.
Exam dates are held throughout the year and are added to the schedule approximately 2-3 weeks in advance with the exception of scheduled closures due to maintenance or national holidays.
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To register for an exam, you must use a credit card: Visa, Master Card, or American Express.
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Exam Registration
Examinees can register for their exams at LLQP.durhamcollege.ca once their certification has been updated in CIPR.ca and if applicable, once LLQP ADMIN has received their eligibility status from the respective provincial/territorial regulator.
In Person - You will schedule the DATE, TIME and LOCATION of your exam(s) through the registration portal on the LLQP ADMIN website; a registration confirmation will follow.
Online - You will schedule only the DATE of your exam(s) through the registration portal on the LLQP ADMIN website; a registration confirmation will follow.
Exam sessions close to registrations when FULL or 10 days prior to the exam date.
Please Note: Registrations can only be completed online at LLQP.durhamcollege.ca
Please see video here showing how to begin your registration: https://vimeo.com/831594179
Please note: Your information at registration must match the identification you will be providing for your Exam, this should also match your CIPR profile information. During registration if there is any information mismatch between CIPR.ca and the information entered into the LLQP ADMIN Registration Portal an error message will appear. Please determine if the error is on CIPR.ca or within the LLQP ADMIN Registration Portal and correct accordingly.
After registration, examinees are able to edit their registration selection (found within their MY EXAM INFORMATION tab) up until final confirmation of the exam session has been processed. Upon final confirmation (10 days before the exam date) no further changes and/or rescheduling will be permitted.
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Once a registration request has been processed, a confirmation will be sent to the email address supplied by the examinee. Examinees must review the information contained in the confirmation email to ensure that all personal information and exam schedule information are correct.
Final confirmations will be sent by email to all examinees 10 days before the exam date and will include:
In Person – Confirmation of DATE, TIME and LOCATION of your exam(s) and will provide specific details regarding room, directions, parking etc.
Online – Confirmation of the DATE of your exam(s) and the room/technical requirements. You will also receive a separate email from ProctorU, our online proctoring partner with instructions for scheduling exam times for each registration and downloading Guardian Browser. To ensure preferred sessions are available, examinees should schedule their time(s) upon receipt of the ProctorU email; Exams can be written between 8:00 am and 11:30 pm Eastern Standard Time.
When selecting time sessions, it is recommended that examinees:
- Book a maximum of two exams per day if they are unfamiliar with the ProctorU system
- Choose time sessions 3 hours apart at a minimum to allow for log in/verification, system tests and any technical issues.
Please Note: LLQP ADMIN cannot confirm the validity of email addresses, therefore it is the responsibility of the examinee to ensure the provided email address is entered correctly.
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Eligibility Error Messages
During registration, if there is an information mismatch, an specific error message will appear indicating the reason for the error. Please determine if the error is on CIPR.ca or within the exam registration with Durham College - LLQP ADMIN; correct accordingly. Please see below for examples of common errors:
Error | Reason | Action |
CIPR & Name mismatch | CIPR number exists in CIPR database but with different name than registering candidate. | Your name must appear on the registration exactly as it does in CIPR.ca - Please note your name should also appears exactly as shown on your Government ID |
CIPR Certification Expired | Valid Program type but certification has expired before registered exam date | Contact your course provider regarding re-certification.
Wait Period | Due to the rewrite policy, you are currently in a wait period | You must wait to register for an exam session on or after the date stated.
Module Not Permitted | Candidate registered for a module that is not included in their program type | You have registered for an exam module that is not included in your program type. Contact your course provider if your Program Type is incorrect.
CIPR Not Found | Your CIPR number is not found on the current eligibility list due to candidate still in training with course provider, or certification status has not yet been updated by course provider on CIPR.ca | Verify your status on CIPR.ca or with your provincial regulator.
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Accommodation Requests
Examinees who require an accommodation for their exam are required to complete the LLQP Accommodation Request Form prior to registering, so that proper testing arrangements can be offered in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.
To apply for an accommodation examinees must:
- Complete the LLQP Accommodation Request Form (PDF) and have it signed by their health professional.
- Email their completed form to LLQP.ADMIN@durhamcollege.ca.
- Allow five (5) business days for their accommodation request to be reviewed.
LLQP ADMIN will notify the examinee by email to confirm whether their accommodation request has been approved or if further documentation is required.
If an examinee fails to follow the accommodation process, their request will not be applied to their exam. Please Note: In this instance reschedules and refunds will not be provided.
Due to privacy legislation, we are unable to discuss accommodation arrangements with third parties. Arrangements must be made directly with the examinee.
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After registration, examinees are able to edit their registration selection (found within their MY EXAM INFORMATION tab) up until final confirmation of the exam session has been processed. Examinees are unable to change exam format once confirmed (i.e. Online to In Person). Upon final confirmation (10 days before the exam date) no further changes and/or rescheduling will be permitted.
Once an exam is booked, there are no cancellations.
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Refund Policy
Once an exam is booked, there are no refunds.
An examinee’s exam fee will be forfeited if:
- They are unable to attend the exam or arrive late.
- They fail to produce the required Identification at the exam.
- Their exam is terminated for failing to abide by the expected conduct during the exam.
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Email Issues
It is the examinee’s responsibility to ensure that their email provider does not censor emails in a way that would prevent them from receiving our correspondence. Email service providers (Hotmail, Gmail, etc.) may move emails from an unknown sender to "junk" or "spam" folders. Adding the following email address LLQP.ADMIN@Durhamcollege.ca and to your contacts list may help avoid this issue.
Please Note: Examinees that use a Yahoo email address often encounter issues receiving their results.
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Online Exams - Registration process
If the candidate is registering for licensing in Newfoundland, they must FIRST contact their provincial/territory regulator (please note: this is NOT your course provider) in order to register for Online Proctored LLQP Examinations. The provincial regulator is required to confirm the candidate’s eligibility prior to Durham College receiving any registration for online exams. Failure to complete this step prior to registration will result in the candidate not being able to register.
In Person - You will schedule the DATE and TIME of your exam(s) through this registration portal; a registration confirmation will follow.
Online format- You will schedule only the DATE of your exam(s) through this registration portal; a registration confirmation will follow.
CONFIRMATION: A separate final exam confirmation email will follow no later than 10 days prior to your exam date. Online exam time scheduling: Along with your final exam confirmation email which you will receive 10 days prior to your exam date, you will also receive a separate email from ProctorU- our online proctoring partner for each registration that you must respond to for scheduling your session time(s). It is strongly recommended that you schedule your time session(s) upon receipt of the ProctorU email notification to help ensure preferred time sessions availability. Time sessions with ProctorU must be scheduled at least 72 hrs in advance of exam date. Exam scheduling or rescheduling is not permitted within 72hrs of the exam date. Session times range from 8:00am to 11:30pm Eastern Standard Time. You can only book your exam time for the exact day that you have selected in the Durham College registration.
Durham College’s rescheduling policy remains in effect for both in-person and online exams. Candidates are advised to choose an exam date that they are able to attend, as refunds will not be given for candidates who do not write on their intended exam date.
We highly recommend booking a maximum of two exams per day if the candidate has not previously used the ProctorU system. When booking time slots it is HIGHLY recommended that the candidate chooses time slots 3 hours apart at a minimum (example: exam 1 at 9:00am, exam 2 at 12:00pm). This will allow time to log into each exam session, perform a system test, be identified by the Proctor and allow additional time for any technical issues and for breaks between exam sessions.
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ProctorU Information
PRIOR to registering for an exam session, review the ProctorU computer requirements before for taking the Live online proctored exam via ProctorU.
It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the exam interface by Taking a practice exam (Google Chrome only)
If an examinee’s computer does not meet the requirements and they are unable to write their exam, all fees will be forfeited. If there are any discrepancies in the technical or testing environment requirements between LLQP ADMIN and Examity, LLQP ADMIN’s policies and requirements will take precedence.
Examinees are required to have a handheld mirror or cell phone during the sign in process for an online proctored exam session.
The standard Calculator and Notepad (TextEdit for Mac users) applications will be provided to you within the exam. You must use the compatible browser: Google Chrome.
NOT SUPPORTED: Google Chromebooks; Tablets and mobile devices (Nexus, iPad, Tab, Note, etc.); Linux operating systems; Windows 10 in S mode or Surface RT. See Systems Requirements Check to confirm supported operating systems. It is not recommended to use a VPN or operate within a virtual machine; you will be asked to reconnect using your host operating system to take your exam.
We strongly recommend using a personal computer (not an employer’s computer) and a wired, ethernet connection. The most common causes of technical issues with online proctored exams are testing on an unreliable internet connection and/or using a work computer with restrictions on disabling extensions.
For the purposes of Live Proctoring, your webcam and computer screen will be monitored, viewed and recorded and may be audited to ensure the integrity of the exams. LLQP ADMIN reserves the right to view and share the video recordings with the appropriate provincial/territorial regulator.
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Computer-Based Exam
Computer-based exams are offered at some examination centre locations. These exams are administered "in person" with an invigilator and are not offered online. The available sessions are indicated on both the Schedule and Registration pages by the word "Electronic" instead of "Paper".
While the exam site will make every effort to ensure that a computer based exam is not interrupted, technical issues can occur. The exam site will try and minimize the impact of any technical issues. The test centres will assess the impact of any technical issues to determine the most appropriate course of action for each candidate.
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Wait Lists
Due to the volume of exams, and to ensure fairness to all examinees, we do not maintain a wait list. Once the session is showing as FULL we will not accept any more registrations for that session.
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In Person – Examinees are advised to arrive at the testing centre thirty (30) minutes prior to their exam times. Mandatory check-in and Proctor instructions take place 15 minutes prior to EACH session start time.
Online – Examinees should log into the ProctorU portal fifteen (15) minutes before their scheduled session time to perform a system test. The Proctor will join the session at the exam start time to verify the examinee’s identification and testing environment.
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Required Identification
The provincial/territorial regulators require appropriate identification in order for an examinee to write the exam.
On the day of the exam, the examinee must supply one piece of valid government issued photo identification. ACCEPTED IDENTIFICATION FOR LLQP EXAMINATIONS
Government PHOTO ID
Canadian Passport
Foreign Passport
Driver’s Licence (Canadian)
Citizenship Card (Canadian)
Refugee Protection Claimant Document (Canadian)
Permanent Residence Card (Canadian)
Ontario Photo ID Card
Certificate of Indian Status Card
Expired documents are NOT considered valid
Provincial health cards are NOT accepted
The ID must match exactly with the name the examinee registered with.
- The first and last names on the ID MUST be fully spelled out (i.e., P.L. Smith is NOT acceptable, however Peter Pat L. Smith is acceptable).
- ALL photo ID must contain a "true likeness" of the examinee that is easily recognizable as the person presenting the identification. ID with old or distorted photographs may be turned away.
- Examinees who are recently married/divorced and have mismatched identification (married vs maiden) MUST contact LLQP ADMIN for authorization before registering for the exam.
- Photocopies or digital copies are not accepted.
- Examinees who have recently renewed their driver’s licence and are waiting on a new photocard can present the expired card with the valid renewal slip.
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Late policy
Examinees arriving after the scheduled exam start time will NOT be permitted to write. Missed exams will not count as an attempt however the exam fee will be forfeited.
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Being prepared to write
It is expected that the examinee will arrive at the test centre prepared to write the exam under the normal examination conditions unless special arrangements are made prior to the exam session.
While every effort will be made by the test centre to minimize any distractions that may occur during the exam session, the examinee must be prepared to accept that minor distractions may occur.
Examinees should dress in layers to ensure that they are able to remain comfortable if there are minor temperature variations in the exam room. Please do not wear perfume or strong scented products on the day of your exam.
The examinee must be prepared by ensuring they bring the correct identification to the session, studying the appropriate material, being physically rested and emotionally prepared for stress and anxiety that an examination may cause.
Any pre-existing medical condition, for which the examinee has not made prior arrangements with the administration centre to compensate for, will not be considered a valid reason for voiding the exam attempt.
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Examinee Conduct
The LLQP exam is a professional certification exam, and it is expected that examinees conduct themselves accordingly.
The following will not be tolerated either during the exam sessions or while communicating with any of the LLQP ADMIN team:
- profanity
- raised voices
- intimidation
- threats of violence
- physical confrontation
Examinees are expected to follow the Proctor's instructions and show the proper level of respect for the Proctor's authority.
Failure to comply with the Examinee Conduct Policy can result in exam termination and/or failure of the exam and will be reported to the examinee’s provincial/territorial regulator.
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Online Exam - Examinee Conduct Rules
- Examinees are responsible for being present during their scheduled exam day/time.
- Examinees are required to be equipped with appropriate, properly functioning technology such as a computer with one display or monitor, webcam, built in microphone, built in speakers (headsets/earbuds are not permitted to be used as speakers), wired mouse or built in touch pad and stable internet connection. Exam space must be walled with a closed door, well-lit and free from any disruptions. Glass walls or windows should be covered. The workstation must be a hard surface (no beds, couches or testing from the floor) and clean and clear of all materials. A shared office or public space shall not be accepted.
- Hard copy manuals, notes and/or scrap paper are not permitted during the exam.
- Water is permitted in a transparent bottle (label removed); food items are NOT allowed.
- Examinees shall follow the identification/authentication steps required LLQP ADMIN and ProctorU.
- Examinees shall only use authorized materials during the examination.
- Use of cellphones, programmable calculators, personal computers, smart watches, cameras, and other unauthorized electronic devices is strictly prohibited.
- Examinees shall be recorded at all times during the exam session (face, voice and physical room where they sit to write the exam).
During the exam, examinees shall:
- remain seated in front of the camera (washroom breaks are not permitted) and silent for the duration of the exam unless they need to speak to the Proctor.
- leave their microphone and camera on so the Proctor can hear and see them while they complete the exam.
- make sure that no unauthorized person is in or enters the exam space. Children are not permitted in the exam space.
- refrain from any exam assistance or coaching.
- refrain from noting, recording or copying questions.
- answer all questions if possible.
- terminate and submit the exam when ordered to do so.
- Examinees shall be aware of the exam timing throughout each exam. An exam timer should be provided on-screen.
- Failure to comply with the examinee conduct rules may lead to the automatic failure of the exam.
- Profanity, threats or aggressive behaviour towards the Proctor can result in exam termination and/or failure of the exam and will be reported to the examinee’s provincial/territorial regulator.
Please Note: Examinee results may be temporarily retained to review potential violations of exam rules.
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In Person Exam - Examinee Conduct Rules
- Examinees are responsible for arriving at the exam room on time.
- Examinees must not be accompanied into the exam room. Children are not permitted in the exam room.
- Food and beverages are not permitted. These items must be stored in the designated "holding location" or discarded prior to entering the exam room.
- Personal belongings are not permitted at the examinee’s desk and must be left in the designated "holding location" during the exam. LLQP ADMIN cannot accept responsibility for the security of these items.
- Cell phones, PDA's, pagers, watch alarms, etc. are not allowed to be turned on during the exam. Even on "vibrate", the noise will be distracting to the other examinees. These items must be stored with personal belongings in the designated “holding location.”
- All watches must be removed and stored with the examinee's personal belongings.
- Examinees shall take an assigned seat and remain quiet during the exam.
- Examinee shall only use authorized materials provided by the test centre during the exam (exam booklet, tablet, scratch paper, pencil and eraser).
- Use of cellphones, MP3 players, headsets, programmable calculators, smart watches, personal computers, cameras, and any other unauthorized electronic devices is strictly prohibited.
- Examinees shall open their exam booklet only when authorized to do so by the Proctor.
- All answer selections MUST be “bubbled in” on the Scantron form by the examinee before the session time ends. Any answers not transferred by that time will receive a mark of zero.
- During the exam, examinees shall:
- remain seated and silent throughout the duration of the exam (washroom breaks are not permitted).
- refrain from communicating with other examinees.
- refrain from disrupting the exam session.
- avoid looking in direction of other examinees.
- refrain from noting or copying questions.
- answer all questions if possible.
- write answers only on the provided answer sheet.
- terminate exam when asked to do so.
- refrain from reading the exam questions out loud.
- At the end of the exam, the examinee shall:
- Return the exam booklet, answer sheet, tablet and other loaned materials.
- Return all scratch paper.
- Leave the exam room in a calm and orderly fashion.
- Failure to comply with the Examinee conduct rules or using profanity, threats or aggressive behaviour towards the Proctor can result in exam termination and/or failure of the exam and will be reported to the examinee’s provincial/territorial regulator.
Please Note: Examinee results may be temporarily retained to review potential violations of exam rules.
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Consequences of Cheating
The LLQP examination is a government owned CERTIFICATION examination; as such any attempt to cheat, release, distribute or publish the contents of the exam or any failure to follow the rules will be dealt with accordingly.
Cheating is defined as the misrepresentation by an examinee of their performance for the purpose of obtaining marks or recognition to which they are not entitled.
Actions which are considered cheating on an exam include, but are not limited to:
- copying from another examinee's work;
- using materials not authorized for the exam;
- collaborating with another examinee during an exam;
- collusion, which means obtaining from or giving to another examinee unauthorized assistance in any subject;
- falsification, which means modifying, without authorization, an examination paper, record, or report for the purpose of obtaining additional credit;
- knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, or soliciting any of the contents of an exam;
- taking an exam for another examinee or permitting another examinee to take a test for oneself;
- attempting to bribe an instructor or other employee to obtain a passing grade, or better grade on a test/exam, or to alter records for such grades.
Consequences of cheating may include the requirement to retest exams, the cancellation of scheduled exams (accompanied by the forfeiture of associated fees), the annulment of prior exam results, suspension from the LLQP examination process for 2 years or permanent removal from the LLQP exam process and denial of certification.
When examinees are requested to retest their first pass date will still apply.
All instances of cheating will be reported to the Licensing Division of the examinee’s provincial/territorial regulator.
Please Note: LLQP ADMIN reserves the right to retest examinees in cases where suspected breaches or anomalies occur.
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Scoring the Exam
Each exam is scored and marks sent to examinees and provincial/territorial regulators. Marks will be sent via email to the examinee 7 business days after the exam date.
In Person Exams: Each question is scored as either correct (1 point) or wrong (0 points). The number of correct answers is then divided by the number of questions to obtain an exam score. No penalty is given for wrong answers. (i.e. 30 questions, 18 correct, 12 wrong... 18/30 = 60%)
Each answer sheet is matched against the LLQP database to ensure the sheet is coded correctly for CIPR number, date, name, module type and version. If a match is not made, the answer sheet cannot be scored automatically and manual intervention is required.
If the scanner cannot make a clear distinction of which answer the examinee chose, if more than one answer is selected or an answer is not provided, the exam will not score automatically and manual intervention is required.
- If a question was not answered, a zero is scored.
- In the event of two answers where neither answer is clearly darker, a zero is scored.
- In the event of a smudged answer, the answer that is more clearly indicated is chosen.
It is important to note that during the manual correction process, the correct answers for the exam are not available to the individual performing the corrections. Therefore, the corrections are solely based on the appearance of the examinee’s answer sheet.
Once the manual corrections have been completed, the answer sheet is reprocessed electronically.
Online Exams: Answers are autosaved at point of selection and downloaded to the LLQP ADMIN database. Should a disconnect occur during an exam (and the examinee does not successfully reconnect) all selected answers will be submitted for marking.
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Exam Marking
Modular Marking
- All modules can be written on the same day or spread over multiple days.
- The exam will be marked in modules. A pass will require a score of 60% or higher on each of the four modules individually.
- If the examinee does not pass, they will only be required to rewrite the modules on which they failed to score 60% or higher.
This has been the model for all exams written since November 7, 2016.
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If the examinee wishes to challenge the questions or content of the exam, they need to contact their provincial/territorial regulator. The questions are supplied and verified by the regulators before being released into circulation. Monthly reports are generated indicating questions which have performed poorly for review by the regulators.
LLQP ADMIN are not authorized to alter a score for "rounding” or add bonus points to compensate for any issues during the exam (i.e., noise from outside the exam room).
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Remarking an Exam
An examinee may request that their exam be remarked manually.
IN PERSON - The scantron sheet will be remarked by hand and exam version confirmed and all answers verified.
ONLINE - The downloaded data will be remarked by hand and exam version confirmed and all answers verified.
Please Note: The process for a manual remark can take up to 3 weeks to complete, and a fee of $40.00 per module will apply. Manual remarks are available for exams taken within 6 months.
If an examinee wishes to proceed with a remark of their exam they will need to email LLQP.ADMIN@durhamcollege.ca and include their name, CIPR number and the exam module(s)/date(s). LLQP ADMIN will confirm receipt of their request and provide instructions to complete payment.
Examinees will be notified via email once the remarking process is complete.
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Rewrite Policy
As of April 1, 2024 an examinee who fails an exam is entitled to write three supplemental exams (three retakes), provided that the minimum qualifications (training) are valid. The validity period of this training is twelve months from the date on which it was successfully completed.
An examinee who fails the 3rd retake (4th attempt) has to wait for a period of one year as of the date of the failed fourth attempt to register for the initial exam. They also have to retake pre-requisite courses in order to have their minimum qualifications valid upon initial exam registration.
An examinee who has failed an exam and who does not register for the supplemental exam (retake) within a period of one year as of the date they failed the said exam must complete the minimum qualifications before registering for the initial exam.
Examinees are notified via email 7 business days after writing an exam of their exam score and when they are eligible to rewrite a failed module.
PLEASE NOTE: Examinees who held an active First Pass Date prior to April 1, 2024 can continue to write under the previous rewrite rules until the 5th attempt is reached. The new exam rewrite rules come into effect after their 5th attempt without exception.
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Applying to Other Provinces
If an examinee already holds a licence and wishes to become licensed in another province they will require proof of passing the LLQP exam. This may be in the form of an official "Verification of Licence" (provided by their provincial/territorial regulator) or by obtaining an "Official Mark Letter” from LLQP ADMIN.
Requests for an “Official Mark Letter” from LLQP ADMIN should be made by emailing LLQP.ADMIN@Durhamcollege.ca. Please Note: Due to privacy, we are unable to send “Official Mark Letters” directly to providers or employers.
[ Last updated: February 13th, 2024 ]
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