Further Education Expo Online Guidebook
University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy
Our goal is to create future leaders in the health care sector. Graduates of our new entry-to-practice Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program will be highly-skilled, motivated, passionate health care providers who make a difference in the world. Their expertise will be critical in a society where patients are increasingly better informed about their own care and expect more personalized health services. Drug therapy is an ever more complex part of modern health care, and pharmacists are the drug experts on a health care team.
We are living in one of the most dynamic and exciting periods in the history of pharmacy. Graduates of the program will have a wealth of career opportunities open to them, including clinical patient care, public policy, regulatory agencies, the pharmaceutical industry, research, academia, and clinical specialties such as infectious disease or pediatrics.
Pharmacy is a four-year professional program. The University of Waterloo School is entirely co-op, the first of its kind in Canada. All students participate in three work terms and eight academic terms throughout their course of study.
We are committed to admitting students who have diverse cultural, economic, and social backgrounds. Key admission criteria include intellectual and academic competence, communication skills, leadership ability, community service, health care-related or research experience, and motivation for pursuing a career in pharmacy.
We also offer an MSc and a PhD in Pharmacy for those who are research-oriented.
University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy
Mr. Ken Potvin
School of Pharmacy 200 University Ave West, Waterloo, N2L 3G1
Tel: (519) 888-4416
Fax: (519) 742-5322
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