Further Education Expo Online Guidebook
Odyssey Language Assistant Program
The Odyssey Language Assistant Program is a way for participants to develop French language skills through immersion, and gain classroom experience through paid employment in a community in Canada. Participants work from September until the end of May in a community in Quebec or New Brunswick, helping Francophone students practice their English speaking and listening skills through games and activities. Outside of working hours, participants are immersed in a dominantly French-language community, and will be able to develop their own fluency in the language. Gain hundreds of hours of in-class experience, and build language skills that will stay with you for life! Visit www.myodyssey.ca today!
Odyssey Language Assistant Program
Mr. Graham Engel
900 Bay St 8th Floor Mowat Block, Toronto, M7A 1L2
Tel: (416) 325-2981
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